
ITmedia News:「キリストの墓」発見か――「妻」マグダラのマリアと息子も?


But Bar-Ilan University Prof. Amos Kloner, the Jerusalem District archeologist who officially oversaw the work at the tomb in 1980 and has published detailed findings on its contents, on Saturday night dismissed the claims. "It makes a great story for a TV film," he told The Jerusalem Post. "But it's impossible. It's nonsense."

Kloner, who said he was interviewed for the new film but has not seen it, said the names found on the ossuaries were common, and the fact that such apparently resonant names had been found together was of no significance. He added that "Jesus son of Joseph" inscriptions had been found on several other ossuaries over the years.

"There is no likelihood that Jesus and his relatives had a family tomb," Kloner said. "They were a Galilee family with no ties in Jerusalem. The Talpiot tomb belonged to a middle-class family from the 1st century CE."

1980年に発見されて、そのときちゃんと調査されて出土品の詳細なドキュメントも発行されてるようですね。で、その時調査した考古学者が「TV 向きの話だけど、ありえない。ナンセンス」と言ってるわけですね。そういうのはありふれた名前で、「ヨセフの子イエス」の記述は他でも見つかってると。あのイエスは「親戚で墓に入るってことはなさそう」なんですかね。しかし「1世紀の中流家庭の墓」かぁ。それはあんまり世人の興味を引かなさそうですね。

そういえば、もし埋葬されてた遺体の DNA 検査で遺体どうしの親子関係がわかったとても、それが一体なんだっていうんでしょうね?単に親子の墓ってだけだと思うんですが…。ま、もっと説得力のあるロジックが展開されるのかもしれません。イエスの DNA に父親由来のものがあるかどうかとかわかると、また別の意味で興味深いことになりそうですけどね。
