先日、セルビアのベオグラードでカラジッチが逮捕されましたね。なんか通勤中に読んでた IHT にはやたら沢山記事が出てたのですが、例によってあんまりテレビなんかでは話題になってないよなぁ。戦後13年もかかってようやく、という話ですけど、これまでナショナリズムを煽ってきた政権のままでは「貧しいセルビア」から抜けだせず、EU に加盟して経済的な恩恵に浴したいという国民の意識の変化がセルビアの政権交代にもつながって、その直後の逮捕、という流れと大雑把には一応理解してます。コソボの独立については、EU の主要国に承認されているものの、政権交代後も反対してますが。今後、どのようなバランスで事が進んでいくのか興味深いです。あとムラジッチの逮捕も近いのかもしれない、とか。
The UN Security Council has the authority to suspend the case, and some council members, like China and Russia, have already indicated they are leaning that way, saying the allegations against Bashir are complicating peace efforts. It seems the Sudanese government hopes that if it shows some good will - and it would need to do so fast - the United Nations will intervene in the case.
At the rally here, for instance, he was not especially antagonistic and did not rail about evil America. He did not mention any Zionist conspiracies. The approach was a change for a head of state who had threatened, not so long ago, to mount a jihad against UN peacekeepers and turn Darfur into a "graveyard" of blue helmets. (Thousands of peacekeepers are now here, and more are on their way, as part of a UN-African Union force.)
Instead, Bashir visited their headquarters in El Fasher, expressing condolences for the peacekeepers who had been killed and promising full cooperation with their mission, according to a statement by the joint force. "You are our guests and our partners," the peacekeepers quoted him as saying.
Bashir's new strategy seems to be to paint himself and his government as victims, not aggressors.
"Whenever we take one step forward toward peace, our outside enemies pull us back," he said.
He also admitted that "there had been problems in Darfur and injustices," an unusual statement for him. "And we're working on them," he reassured his people.
訴追をかわそうというか、特に安保理の中国やロシアに訴追に反対するのを期待してのアピールというわけで、まあロクでもないことに変わりはないんですが。以前、ICC のような機関は国際的問題に対して大して役にたたんのじゃないか、というような議論をいくつか読んだりもしたのですが、ここのところの動きを見ると、わりに期待できる面もある、と思えるようになってきました。