







ところで、BBC の記事から。

Professor Jeff Kingston, a Japan watcher from Temple University in Tokyo argues that recent cases of deranged young men committing random acts of violence here suggest that the public health system in Japan does not provide adequate support for people with mental illness.

"There is a social stigma attached to mental illness," he says, "and in addition to that doctors are reluctant to refer patients for psychiatric counselling, so this is probably a far too common case of an individual falling through the cracks in the system."


As a "freeter" - as temporary workers are known here - he would not have had access to the kind of counselling or support services that might have been available to a full-time employee.

He probably would not even have worked with the same people on a regular basis, so it was less likely they would have noticed there was anything wrong.


もう一つ、Guardian から。

While yesterday's killing spree is an extreme example, Japan has few safety nets for those who feel they are about to reach snapping point.

Counselling services lag far behind those in the west, partly due to a strong cultural resistance to discussing personal problems and the stigma attached to mental illness. And Japan's prowess in information technology has only made it easier. Only last month, a government panel called on parents to limit their children's mobile phone use amid a dramatic rise in anonymous bullying on internet school message boards.

