はてなブックマーク - 「岩に突き刺さった剣」はイタリアに実在する - GIGAZINE
面白い話ですね。検索したら、ここを調査したパヴィア大学の Luigi Garlaschelli が Skeptical Inquirer に2006年に書いた記事というか論文が。図版が入ってなくて残念なんですが、こちらで PDF が読めます。
Luigi Garlaschelli という人は CICAP(the Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims on the Paranormal) のメンバーらしくて、つまり超常現象を科学的に調査したりしてるようです。それで歴史学の雑誌じゃなくて Skeptical Inquirer のが出てくるのか。
In the 1960s, an unknown person broke the blade in an attempt to remove the sword from the stone. The broken part was then fixed back into place with concrete, and a second layer was later added to match the color of the rock. On March 21, 1991, the sword was pulled out once again by a vandal (soon captured by the police) and was fixed back.
In 1832 they were protected by a metal cage or grating, still there in 1924.An eyewitness (born in 1915) has reported to us that in those years the sword could actually be pulled out from the crack into which had been pushed. In that same year molten lead was poured into the slit to jam the blade, and the metal cage was removed.